CTT: Classical Test Theory Functions
This package can be used to perform a variety of tasks and analyses associated with classical test theory (CTT): score multiple-choice responses, perform reliability analyses, conduct item analyses, and transform scores onto different scales.
CTTinShiny: Shiny Interface for the CTT Package
A Shiny interface developed in close coordination with the CTT package, providing a GUI that guides the user through CTT analyses. This package can be used to perform a variety of tasks and analyses associated with classical test theory (CTT).
mixRasch: Mixture Rasch Models with JMLE
The included function will estimate a mixture Rasch model using joint maximum likelihood estimation (JMLE). The estimation is based on a mixture partial credit model. Step parameters can be constrained to estimate a mixture rating scale model. Estimating a model with only one latent class accomplishes a standard Rasch analysis with JMLE.